At the beginning of the week we made another participation model – this time of all the spaces needed for batiking. We went to Ashaiman (again!) to speak to the batikers and do a modelling exercise with them. It was very useful and some important criteria came out of it. For example, the batikers were very clear that they would like two different drying areas – one for after the fabric has been dyed, and a separate one for after the fabric has been dewaxed at the end, so that the finished fabric doesn’t get marked by flecks of old dye.

We then did the same exercise with the managers - Tasha, Amos and Dorcas. It’s always interesting to see how the responses differ, and one of the challenges of this project is to incorporate and reconcile the differing priorities of the management and the mamas.

We spent the rest of the week developing the master plan for the site which has been proving more difficult than we imagined! Especially as Global Mamas don’t yet have a physical site for the FTZ, so we are trying to develop a plan that can be adapted to the land they eventually acquire. I think there will be lots more sketching and experimenting before we come up with an optimal layout!


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